What is a Click-through Rate?
Click-through rate (CTR) is a commonly used web traffic metric that measures the likelihood that users see your ad. CTR is the percentage of people who see your advertisement and then click on it. It’s also known as clickthrough rate or just click rate.
CTR is one of the most widely used metrics of online ad performance. It’s fairly simple: the CTR for an ad campaign is the number of clicks on your ads divided by the number of times your ads appeared.
For example, if you had 100 ad impressions and five clicks, then your CTR would be 5%. What that means is that only 5% of people who saw your ads actually clicked on them.

Types of Marketing Partnerships: The Complete Guide
A strategic partnership between brands can be a great way to get your company’s name out there and drive sales. But with so many different types of partnerships available, understanding which one is right for you and your business might be confusing.
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