8 Must-Follow Affiliate Forums for Affiliate Marketers

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Top 8 Essential Affiliate Forums Every Affiliate Marketer Should Engage With

Keeping up with the latest tips, tricks, and trends in your industry is not an easy task. With so many sources to keep up with, it’s easy to get overloaded with information that’s not directly related to your work. However, staying informed about what is going on in your field doesn’t have to be time-consuming. 

Whether you are looking for general overviews or something more detailed and analytical, there are plenty of online forums where you can find precisely what you need while making new connections that could prove beneficial later on. 

Why Should You Join Affiliate Marketing Forums

Affiliate marketing forums are great platforms to virtually hang out while discussing business-relevant matters. You’ll be able to pick the brain of other marketers and learn a great deal without spending loads of time on conferences and other offline events. Additionally, you can build an online community matching your interests and needs. 

Affiliate marketing forums allow you to: 

  • Connect with like-minded marketers and product owners, who are eager to discuss their experiences and insights in the field;
  • Find answers to your pressing questions about the industry;
  • Network and connect with people who could prove beneficial in your career;
  • Discover the latest changes and updates in the industry.

Are Affiliate Marketing Forums Free?

You can find both free and paid affiliate forums. 

Either way, like any educational or training materials, affiliate marketing forums are a great investment. You can learn much more than you would on your own, and you’ll also get access to a community of people who are eager to share their knowledge and experiences. You can terminate your membership at any time, should you be realising that you are not using it or, on the contrary, you’ve got the most out of it. The latter is hardly possible as the affiliate industry is constantly evolving. What you know today may no longer be the same tomorrow. 

Are Affiliate Forums Only For Beginners?

Not at all. In fact, there are plenty of successful marketers who prefer forums to other platforms. These are individuals who want to engage in a genuine and meaningful way without feeling like they’re being bombarded with advertisements. If you’d rather get to know people on a more genuine level than you would on Facebook or Instagram, then you’ll likely love forums. Affiliate marketing forums are open to people at every level. You’ll be able to ask questions, join discussions, and make connections with people who are just as new to the industry.

Besides, the paid forums are places where you are very likely to meet experienced affiliate marketers who understand the values of the community and online networking. Paid subscriptions ensure the expert community by eliminating members without serious determination, those who are curious just to have a look once. It is a place where beginners can rapidly grow to top affiliates and experienced marketers expand their network and partnerships. 

Best Affiliate Marketing Forums to Join

So if you’re an affiliate marketer interested in staying ahead of the curve, read on for our list of top 8 must-follow forums for affiliate marketers.

​​1. STM 

The first forum on our list is the STM forum, a community of affiliate marketers, bloggers, and entrepreneurs dedicated to sharing information, tips, and strategies. STM Forum was started in 2013 by one of the most successful affiliate marketers Lorenzo Green. His goal was to unite the top players in the world under one community and create a marketplace for product owners. Later the community developed into the well-known conference that takes palace regularly in different parts of the world – the Affiliate World Conference.

Today, with over 1 million members, the STM forum is one of the largest and most active affiliate marketing forums out there. Whether you’re just starting out or have been in the industry for years, you’re sure to find discussions and advice relevant to your interests. The forum is home to a wide range of topics such as SEO, content marketing, email marketing, and paid traffic. 

Forum topics are broken down into numerous categories like “Affiliate Marketing Forum” and “Affiliate City Guides”, different traffic categories like Mobile, Facebook, PPC, Organic, affiliate verticals, affiliate marketing technologies, Success Stories, events, and more.  

STM Forum is not free. Its membership cost $99 per month flat.

2. iAmAffiliate

iAmAffiliate is an affiliate forum started by the well-known affiliate marketer & the author of the book “From Zero to Super Affiliate”, Attila. The iAmAffiliate forum is a hub for online marketers are interested in making money with affiliate marketing. As an affiliate marketing forum, iAmAffiliate is home to discussions on topics like SEO and PPC marketing, email marketing, and paid traffic. iAmAffiliate includes a section dedicated to copywriting tips as well as general marketing tips, making the forum an all-around great resource for affiliate marketing enthusiasts. iAmAffiliate is home to an active community of marketers, and most discussions are open to anyone.

The membership at iAmAffiliate starts at $49, but there are several packages to choose from.

3. affLIFT

affLIFT is a relatively new affiliate marketing-specific forum. However, it has quickly become one of the most active and well-moderated forums out there. It focuses on a wide range of topics, from beginner topics to more advanced best practices. The members are very friendly and helpful, and the forum’s moderators are rapid to shut down trolls and spammers. The content on the forum is well-organized and easy to find, and it’s updated regularly. There is even a dedicated section for beginners that gives an overview of every step of the affiliate marketing process. If you’re looking for a friendly affiliate marketing forum full of helpful people, check out affLIFT!

affLIFT is not a free forum. The monthly membership costs $20. You can save a part by buying a 6-month subscription for $100, or even further a lifetime membership for $350.

4. AffiliateFix

Launched by another dedicated affiliate marketer, Oliver Kenyon, AffiliateFix is a top affiliate marketing forum aimed at experienced affiliate marketers. The members are mainly concentrated in the USA, UK, and Canada. The forum has over 100,000 posts and has a full range of categories to discuss almost every aspect of affiliate marketing. It has a special section for programmers to share their code, and a section for bloggers to discuss content writing. The forum also has a special place where you can meet with other affiliate marketers and discuss affiliate marketing matters.

It doesn’t cost anything to join the AffiliateFix forum.

5. Warrior Forum

Warrior Forum is one of the oldest (launched back in 2001) and most popular online marketing forums. It has members from a wide variety of marketing fields, including affiliate marketing. The general discussion topics are quite varied covering different topics related to internet marketing. You can also find plenty of discussions around different types of affiliate marketing, such as building an affiliate marketing business, affiliate networks, and landing page tips.

There are no membership fees to joining Warrior Forum

6. Blackhatworld

Easy to guess from the title, Blackhatworld forum is an online community for people interested in different aspects of black hat marketing. Blackhatworld is a rather controversial forum, as it refers to shady online marketing practices. Among other things, the forum has a lot of discussions and topics related to building an affiliate marketing business and promoting affiliate offers, not always through transparent strategies. This forum is not for beginners. If you’re an advanced affiliate marketer and/or interested in learning about the more controversial side of affiliate marketing, this is the forum to check. Be advised that this forum is not a safe place to ask questions.

7. WickedFire

WickedFire is another controversial forum, albeit one with a more positive reputation than Blackhatworld. WickedFire is a forum for online marketing and SEO discussion. It has a large affiliate marketing section, where topics range from general advice on affiliate marketing to product-specific discussions about the different products you can promote. The WickedFire forum can be useful if you’re interested in learning more about SEO, paid advertising, and getting more traffic to your site. WickedFire also has a large community of members who are more than happy to help with any questions you might have.

8. Affilorama

One of the largest affiliate marketing communities and training websites on the internet, whose goal is to help people to make money online. Affiliroma is perfect for newbies: it has a lot of training materials on how to promote other products to earn commissions from their sales. Besides the forum, affilirama also offers a great selection of blog articles. You don’t need to pay to sign-up, all materials are free for members.

How Do You successfully Communicate On Forums?

Communication on an affiliate marketing forum is a bit different from communication in everyday life. You’ll need to be a little more precise in your wording, and you’ll also want to make sure you’re being respectful and polite to everyone around you.


Follow the community’s rules

On every forum, before you hit the “Join” button you are required to read and agree to the forum’s policies and rules. By agreeing you promise to follow the community’s rules, failing which you risk having your post deleted and your profile temporarily or constantly suspended. Some core rules are usually about a no-spam policy and a respectful tone. Make sure you read the rules carefully before you start seeking help or offering help on forums.

Put yourself in other people’s shoes

There are various people on the forum with different skill sets, experiences, and interests. It’s important to be respectful to all forum members and make sure you’re not stepping on anyone’s toes.

Use clear language & check grammar

No one likes reading through posts that are riddled with spelling and grammar mistakes. It makes you look unprofessional, and it can be hard to follow your point. So, make sure you proofread everything before hitting the “post” button. 

Be specific in your wording

You’ll want to keep your post short and sweet. However, you don’t want to be so brief that it starts to make no sense. Make sure you’re being specific in your wording and sharing information that other people will find useful. 

Don’t be afraid to ask questions

Even if you’re new to forums, don’t be shy to ask questions. Plus, asking questions is a great way to get to know people and build relationships.

Wrapping Up

These are the top affiliate marketing forums that are worth attention in 2022. If you are new to forums, you may want to start with a smaller and less crowded one before moving on to more robust forums. This will allow you to get your feet wet while also building relationships with other members. Affiliate marketing forums are a great place to socialize and network with other marketers, but they also offer tons of in-depth and actionable information that you can apply to your own marketing strategy. If you’re serious about growing your affiliate marketing business, then you might as well be interested in profitable affiliate marketing niches or marketing partnerships.


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